Old City Bitcoiners Calendar!

Part of being a Bitcoiner means becoming self-sovereign-not just with our money, but our IT infrastructure as well! At this time, Old City Bitcoiners relies heavily on Meetup.com to get a wider reach into the local community. Over time, we want to reduce our reliance on Meetup.com and direct local Bitcoiners to use this website instead.

But we recognize that Meetup.com provides 1) an existing network of users and 2) some useful coordination features such as calendaring, chat, email notifications, etc.. Our goal for Old City Bitcoiners is to implement some of these features over time in a self-hosted way using Open Source Software. Over time, we hope to grow our user base.

As part of this promise, we have implemented a new self-hosted Calendar endpoint. The Old City Bitcoiners Calendar web service, enabled by Nextcloud, allows Old City Bitcoiners to better coordinate our activities while avoiding the use of third parties. Each calendar event links back to our website where you can find the latest details. We also provide the physical address of each event!

How to use our Calendar

There are two parts to our Calendar service. The first is simply a webpage you can visit through your broswer. It's linked at the top of our website for quickly checking events.

The second method is Webcal. If you have WebCal-compatible client on your smartphone or desktop, you can simply subscribe using the button below. If not, use your phone's app store to find the best webcal/calendar apps. If you're running Android, consider using to keep your calendar subscription updated. Pair that with a calendar app such as Simple Calendar App on available on F-Droid. When you have those two things figured out, click the link below!

Have questions or concerns? See our Contact page.

Want to show your support for Old City Bitcoiners? Consider donating today! All donations go to our monthly crowdfunding goals.